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Agrifood Technology is now offering all its clients the new AT7 Mega screen.

"Residue list expanded - over 300 Chemicals now reported!" 

The new screen has been developed inhouse in response to the growing number of pesticides approved for use in the market. As a laboratory that specializes in residue testing, we identified that there was gap in the market for testing some of the new residues which prompted us to develop this new screen.

The AT7 Mega list has a total of 503 chemicals from the FSANZ Schedule 20 and includes testing for the parent compounds and their metabolites (323 reportable residues). As a broad mega screen, it is more value for your money while also meeting your safety and compliance requirements. The screen is tested using the latest technology by our highly qualified analysts and provides a quick, accurate and reliable test offering.

We are excited to offer this new screen to our valued clients - please reach out to your client services coordinator for a quote and more information.

For more information:

Please contact our us for more information on: 
WA: or (08) 9418 5333
QLD: or (07) 3107 9928
VIC: or 1800 801 312