Agrifood Technology has recently been granted accreditation by The Grain and Feed Trade Association (GAFTA) as an approved laboratory for analysing grain under the GAFTA laboratory accreditation scheme.
FeedTest provides Fodder testing to the standard Australian Fodder Industry Association (AFIA) recommended formulas and methods.
Agrifood Technology is proud to introduce the addition of another state-of-the-art instrument to its existing array of highly sophisticated analytical instrumentation in the Food Safety laboratory, the Thermo Fisher LC-HESI-MS/MS Triple Stage Quadrupole (TSQ) Mass Spectrometer (MS) system.
Read more: The New Triple Stage Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
For many years Agrifood Technology has offered its customers analytical services on grain, flour, fresh produce and food products. Agrifood Technology WA has expanded its test scope and now offers an extensive range of Agro-nutritional services.
Read more: Agrifood WA - Specialists in Agro-nutritional Services
Soil acidity (low pH) is a serious concern across large areas of rural Australia, over 65% of the WA wheat belt experiences soil acidity issues.
Carbendazim is a broad-spectrum fungicide widely used around the world to control fungal diseases in crops. Traces of carbendazim have been found in orange products imported from Brazil to the USA, where carbendazim spraying is banned.